Our Carbon Footprint
We recognize our responsibility to help protect the planet. We are committed to minimising the impact our firm has on the environment and supporting those who are working to improve global environmental sustainability.
Our environmental-footprint strategy seeks to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and waste across Co-Treetment operations as well as striving to strengthen our environmental practices. We will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.

For 2023 Co-Treetment are Carbon Negative
Key elements in calculating our emissions profile.
Co-Treetment is run and owned by 3 people; Simon Evans; Darrell Taylor and Keith Cox.
We only operate in the UK.
We have no buildings or offices.
We have no employees.
We have no company cars.
We all live approximately 25 miles from the field where we plant trees.
We administrate the business from home and on average spend 3 days per month each making sure the business runs smoothly. That’s 1 day homeworking and 2 days field working.
We have planted 250 trees to offset our emissions for 2023 making us Carbon Negative.

Carbon Neutral – this is achieved when an organisation has measured its carbon footprint (CO2e) and then carries out carbon offsetting activities to try to remove the same amount of CO2e from the atmosphere.
Carbon Negative – this is when a company chooses to offset more carbon than they produce.