We are extremely proud today to announce the launch of a new scheme set up by Co-Treetment and the much loved Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre. As no doubt you will have seen in the local press, Co-Treetment have already provided funding for one child to attend the holiday centre in Skegness.
However we very much wanted to do more and create a novel way for our customers, existing and new, to not only help the environment but to help a child. The stays in Skegness have over the 130 years that they have been running, proven themselves to be a welcome and valuable experience for the children that attend.
Typically the stays at the holiday centre last for 5 days and are planned with razor like precision by Alan Grimadell (chairperson for the charity) and the teams that are based in Derby and Skegness. No stone is left unturned as they coordinate the activities, food, accommodation, travel to and from the location, and ensure that any ‘nerves’ are minimised so that the experience is one that can be enjoyed by the children that go there.
Why did Co-Treetment choose the DCHC charity?
All of us at Co-Treetment are passionate about what we do, the environment and how we can make a difference; that mindset also extends to young people that through no fault of their own find themselves unable to experience what we often take for granted, namely holidays. Many of them have never been away, and may have no prospect of doing so.
Who attends?
There’s a mixture of young people that can join the holiday centre, they might be young carers or looked after children. The break from routine gives the youngsters time and space to relax, make new friends and enjoy themselves in a supportive and structured environment, and in the care of our fully trained staff.
What do they get from the holiday?
Recognised by the Local Education Authority as providing a Secondary Educational Experience as part of the overall education of the children who attend, it contributes to their personal and social development, giving them confidence and self-esteem, as well as providing memories that last a lifetime. For 5 days, they can just enjoy being on holiday.
For their parents, guardians or carers too, it offers some important respite time, safe in the knowledge that the children are being well looked after.
For many children, the relationships gained remain with them for the rest of their lives.
The residential centre is on Scarborough Avenue, a short walk from the seaside. There the staff aim to carry out a range of supervised activities during the week to provide a happy and memorable holiday. For more information about the centre then please use the link provided here https://www.dchc.org.uk/about-us/the-centre/
How can you help?
It couldn’t be easier, if you want to help in the funding of a child so they can go to the holiday centre in Skegness whilst helping the environment then visit the Co-Treetment website here https://www.co-treetment.com/ or go directly to the shop page which is here https://www.co-treetment.com/shop/
We have set up the tree purchases for the DCHC using the charity logo and options to buy 1, 3, 5 or 10 trees. Of course you can add more of these into the basket depending on the total number you want to use for your donation.
In Summary
We very much hope you’ll join us in our commitment to make a difference. We will keep you appraised of the progress we make along the way, and will continue to plant trees in our growing woodland to help in leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
Simon Evans, Darrell Taylor, Keith Cox