As you know Co-Treetment love this time of year; we have completed our planting season and with the beginning of the warmer weather our newly planted trees, along with our established ones are really taking shape.
As many of you know we have 4,500 trees planted in the ground at our location near Thringstone in Leicestershire, and once a tree is in the ground, it needs looking after, maintaining and regular care. Without it they can easily be lost. Year on year our survival rates have got better and better – leading to over 93% of trees these days making it, a big improvement from our first year when the number was closer to 75%.
So earlier today at the field some trimming, post replacement, clearing of overgrown areas that impinge on the trees growth, and general housekeeping was carried out, and we’ll be doing the same next weekend as well.
And of course we had to check in with the new apiary – 4 hives and enthusiastic bee farmer David, The Bee Farmer, McDowell along with Lisa have been a ray of sunshine in sharing some of the details around what’s involved, watch for more posts on that topic.
So delighted are we with the progress we have shared a series of images in which you’ll see a mixture of tree stages, the smallest ones being planted in 2024, and the larger ones are from when we started in 2020. Hard to think that before we began this was just an empty overgrown untended field.
What we know is that there are now enough trees in the ground to cover the orders we are anticipating during 2024; and as many of you will have seen we have managed to support our nominated charities and continue to provide sponsorship to those that are dearest to us. We have actually created new pages on our website to explain more about these, the links are below:-
We will of course continue to maintain and develop our forest through the year, and look for more customers at Co-Treetment to reduce their carbon footprint and potentially support the Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre and University Of Nottingham Racing.
If we have inspired you to consider trees as part of your future, then please visit our updated website linked below for more details
Thanks again to all of our followers, customers and supporters, we couldn’t do this without you.
Darrell Taylor
Keith Cox
Simon Evans
David, The Bee Farmer, McDowell

Top right as you enter the field.

Half way down the field looking towards AMG Wealth area.

The hives, one being rested with three still in operation.

2023 trees coming to fruition?

trentbarton area with 2020 trees to the rear, 2021 and 2022 to the front and right.