Following on from our preparation day, 12th November 2022, and with a busy December ahead of us we made our way to the field in order to prepare the ground for the 500 trees we will be planting on Saturday 9th December. As always there was also the maintenance to do; trimming back hedgerows and removing weeds that restrict the trees from growing. afternoon.
A very different view from last month at the field; trees have for all intents and purposes dropped their leaves but nevertheless we were overjoyed to see our field.
We continue to work the land ourselves, we have no employees, offices, buildings and focus on our company philosophy of nobody involved with Co-Treetment taking a wage, dividend, or payment for what we do. Some might say we are foolish to do things this way, but we continue to do this as we firmly believe that it’s more important to make a difference than to make a few pounds.
Absorbing CO2 and growing trees is a very simple way of making our world, the planet we all live on a better place. And seeing the fruits of our labour is so compelling; it’s been hard work, of course it has but we won’t pull back from what we are doing.
And so to the work element from this weekend; we have during this week laid out our grid for planting; prepared holes for the trees, which as the images show look like we have been plagued by moles. We never quite know what the weather will do so wanted to get ready, because as soon as the silver birch ‘whips’ arrive we need to get them into the ground. The field, the trees and areas are visible for all to see in the photographs that we have included in this post.
It is our hope that you’ll take a few minutes to read our regular shares and consider the steps you as an individual are making to change the future for the next generations.
If you feel like helping us to make a difference then please visit our site and order some trees, it is simple and an effective way to help us in planning the future for the field and in putting #PlanetBeforeProfit
We are in the process of preparing the land for the silver birch planting season, November to March so please feel free to contact us or use the website to place orders so we can plant the right number of tress for the 2023 season.
Simon Evans, Darrell Taylor, Keith Cox