Who would have believed it when back on 14th September 2022, we first shared a post based on the announcement of a collaboration between Co-Treetment and The Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre, that ONLY NINE WEEKS later we would have achieved our goal for 2022.
Thanks to a small but very significant number of customers, 23 in all, some new to Co-Treetment, others returning to buy trees, £455 has been raised for Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre (DCHC). That sum is enough to to send one child for a week to the Skegness Holiday Centre.
This is absolutely amazing, when you consider the many challenges that so many of us face with rising costs for many areas of our day to day life. We always knew at Co-Treetment that there were people like us out there, people that want to make a difference, to help create a wonderful experience for a young person, and you have proved us right, THANK YOU!
When we initiated this project, we, that’s Alan, Keith, Darrell and me thought that this target would take a very long time to achieve; little did we know that with the publicity from Penguin PR (thanks go to Lucy Stephens for that) and the network of friends, allies and supporters that are like minded in deeds and actions that we’d get here in a little over 9 weeks.
What more can we say?
Other than thank you everyone; many of you have shared your personal stories with me about why you have become involved; for some it was because you yourself had fond memories of time at the Skegness Holiday Centre, for others it was because you knew how hard it was whilst growing up to afford a holiday – whatever your story, the fact you have provided monies (and trees) for helping young people of the future is nothing short of fantastic.
And now we look to beyond 2022 to 2023 when Alan and the team at DCHC will set up holidays for 660 or more young children, something that has been happening for 130 years, and Co-Treetment will for certain be providing annually, aside from this initiative one place.
Like us, you should all feel proud to be part of this, operating as a not for profit and in putting #PlanetBeforeProfit whilst having only ourselves as bosses, enables us, and all that buy trees from us to make a difference.
What if you missed the opportunity to help in raising the £455 – how can you help in making this collaboration even more of a success?
It couldn’t be easier, if you missed your chance, or simply didn’t get around to it this time but want to help in the funding of a child, then please don’t hesitate to use the Co-Treetment website shop page which is here https://www.co-treetment.com/shop/
We have set up the tree purchases for the DCHC using the charity logo and options to buy 1, 3, 5 or 10 trees. Of course you can add more of these into the basket depending on the total number you want to use for your donation.
A reminder | Why did Co-Treetment choose the DCHC charity?
All of us at Co-Treetment are passionate about what we do, the environment and how we can make a difference; that mindset also extends to young people that through no fault of their own find themselves unable to experience what we often take for granted, namely holidays. Many of them have never been away, and may have no prospect of doing so.
Who attends?
There’s a mixture of young people that can join the holiday centre, they might be young carers or looked after children. The break from routine gives the youngsters time and space to relax, make new friends and enjoy themselves in a supportive and structured environment, and in the care of our fully trained staff.
For many children, the relationships gained remain with them for the rest of their lives.
The residential centre is on Scarborough Avenue, a short walk from the seaside. There the staff aim to carry out a range of supervised activities during the week to provide a happy and memorable holiday. For more information about the centre then please use the link provided here https://www.dchc.org.uk/about-us/the-centre/
In Summary
THANK YOU to the 23!
Thanks also to any new customers that want to add their support, imagine if we can raise even more funds for even more children, what’s not to like about that? We very much hope, if you haven’t already done so, that you’ll join us in our commitment to make even more of a difference. We will keep you appraised of the progress we make along the way, and will continue to plant trees in our growing woodland to help in leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
Simon Evans, Darrell Taylor, Keith Cox