What a day we had; the team all put in a ‘shift’, we came away exhausted but delighted we’d broken the back of our delayed planting session of last weekend.
We had on 14th January 2023 prepared 500 holes for the trees we’d expected to be delivered, however these were delayed and only arrived on Friday 20th January 2023. So off we set with the 500 trees on board and started our epic day.
You’ll see from the photographs appended to this article the delights of planting; we arrived with a sub-zero temperature ; laid out trees, canes, spirals; moved piles of earth from the top of the field; cleared to sods of turf away; mixed our fertiliser; began planting when the temperature soared to above zero.
A fantastic effort from 8am through to 5pm from the Co-Treetment team, plus the support received from bloc digital volunteers meant we got 450 trees into the ground yesterday; two of the Co-Treetment team will return later today to get the remainder in.
We plan not only to plant out this 500 in February, and also repeating the same in March, plus more planting with a key customer (watch for the update on that) – totalling over 2000 trees for the season.
Our reason for this is to enable us to complete the orders we anticipate for 2023 whilst also of course making a difference to the planet.
So as of today, we have as Co-Treetment over 2000 trees in the ground, and by the end of the planting season (Oct-March) this figure will reach ~3500; we think that’s incredible and we’d like to thank all of our customers, existing and new ones that haven’t yet ordered from us, we couldn’t do this without you. Continue please to follow us as we have many news items to follow.
The Co-Treetment team (Simon Evans, Darrell Taylor and Keith Cox)