You have no doubt seen from our earlier post back at the end of March the delight we had in bringing 4 hives onto the Co-Treetment field. It was an event that we are immensely proud to have been a part of. When I say part, it was a small part, but it really did begin to spark our imagination. We have been buzzing ever since!
Luckily in David, The Bee Farmer, McDowell, Lisa and Tom, we found kindred spirits that want to do the best for the planet and to leave a lasting positive legacy. In their video of 29th March all three of them show how they installed the apiary, some thing we attached in the post of that time.
We found it very interesting, and so it seems did many of our followers, hence we are today posting a second video; one that brings some sad news with it, as one of the hives has struggled to establish itself and we have a female worker bee that’s laying unfertilised eggs (as the bee is not the Queen bee), meaning they will all be males.
We believe this has happened as a result of the wet conditions that we have had during the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024; sadly 😞 this is something many bee farmers are seeing across the UK!.
As we said every day’s a school day! We will follow up with hopefully some better news as Lisa looks to turn a tragedy into success; for now do take a look at the attached video in which Lisa explains the plight of the hive.
Simon Evans
Darrell Taylor
Keith Cox
David, The Bee Farmer, McDowell